A man was injured after being charged by a bullock while walking in the Lake District.

Keswick Mountain Rescue Team was called to the incident in fields near Braithwaite on Sunday.

The local couple, in their 80s, were knocked to the ground but managed to retreat to the next field, from where they called for help about 1.05pm.

The team had already been called out to an incident on Great End in the Central Fells.

A Keswick MRT spokesperson said: “With many team members already committed on the Great End callout a Land Rover with four team members was quickly mobilised with three additional members going direct to scene.

“Both casualties were checked over by team medics and the male casualty was taken from the scene for onward transport by his wife to Carlisle hospital suffering from a hip injury.”

Twelve team volunteers were involved in the incident, which lasted just less than 1¾ hours.

Earlier in the day, the team was called out when a walker injured himself while descending The Band on Great End, above Sprinkling Tarn with a companion.

He tumbled among sharp and loose boulders, suffering a deep laceration to his calf.

Keswick MRT was alerted about 10.20am.

The spokesperson said: “Fortunately the pair who had camped out on Esk Hause the previous night were very well prepared and his mate did a good job of dressing and bandaging the injury with their own first aid kit.

“His friend helped make the casualty as comfortable as possible with his injured leg elevated to help reduce pain and swelling. They were then able to call 999 and ask for mountain rescue assistance.

“With Keswick team members low in numbers Cockermouth team were asked to help out due to the anticipated long carry-out. When enough team members were present the man was loaded onto a stretcher and carried down the scree slope, initially with the help of a safety back rope due to the steep and rough ground.

“It was then a case of doing shifts on the stretcher for the long carry back to Seathwaite via Sty Head.

“We were extremely grateful for the help of the seven Cockermouth team members, thanks guys.”

The Keswick team Land Rover took the injured man part way back along the valley bottom track to the men’s car from where they made their own way to hospital.”

The incident lasted almost six hours and involved 15 Keswick team members, along with the seven colleagues from the Cockermouth team.

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