A climber was winched from a rockface after injuring herself in a fall on the Isle of Skye.

The woman, believed to be in her 20s, was on a sea cliff next to the Neist Point lighthouse when the incident happened.

The Maritime and Coastguard Agency was alerted when a member of the public called 999 shortly after 1pm on Friday.

The climber fell about 2m and suffered a lower leg injury at the site, in the far West of the island.

Portree, Dunvegan and Kyle Coastguard Rescue Teams, Leverburgh all-weather lifeboat and the Stornoway Coastguard helicopter were all sent to the scene.

An MCA spokesperson said: “The young climber was winched into the helicopter and taken to Stornoway Airport where she was met by the Scottish Ambulance Service for onward transfer to the Western Isles Hospital.

“We wish her a speedy recovery.”

Coastguard footage of the rescue

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