A climber was released unscathed after a major operation to free her when she became trapped in rocks in Borrowdale.

Keswick Mountain Rescue Team enlisted the help of another rescue team and the Coastguard helicopter in the incident at Dove Nest Crags on Monday.

Keswick MRT was alerted shortly before 7pm to the plight of the woman who was jammed in a rock crack at the crag.

A team spokesperson said: “She had been climbing in a crack that runs behind the main face of the crag and then slipped, descending into an ever narrowing gap, ending up hidden behind a chocked boulder.

“Sheltered from the elements by the location but unable to extricate herself her friend had to descend to the valley floor to raise the alarm.

“Due to the potential problems with such an incident the team responded very quickly and had its first vehicle underway in 15 minutes of the 999 call.

“The main concern for the team was that the entrapment had been caused by a rock moving on to her. This can lead to many complicated medical problems requiring an advanced and rapid response.”

Keswick MRT requested help from its team doctors, Cumbria Mines Rescue Unit, the fire service and the Coastguard.

The helicopter was unable to work at the scene due to the turbulent winds but ferried doctors and COMRU members and their heavy kit up the hill.

The spokesperson said: “Only once the team and doctor were on scene and it was established no medical attention was required where the extra resources stood down. The extraction could then be completed with a five toone1 pull system, although not simple in the narrow gap containing several team members.

“After being checked over, wrapped up and fed, the casualty and all the team members headed down the hill.”

The 3½-hour rescue involved 19 volunteers from the Keswick team.

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