A mountain biker was reunited with a walker who helped save his life after a Peak District accident.

Shyamenda Purslow spent weeks in intensive care after the incident which led to a major artery being ruptured.

Eighteen months on, the rider met the man who helped save his life as he suffered a large blood loss in May 2015.

Mike Potts of Kinder Mountain Rescue Team, which went to the biker’s aid, said Shyamenda Purslow and his friend Greg Forbes were out mountain biking in the Peak District. “Tired, hungry and at the end of a long day, a moment’s inattention resulted in Shyamenda being propelled over the front of his bike.

“In the process, he caught his leg on the handlebars, severing the femoral artery at the top of his right thigh.

“Greg immediately went to the aid of his friend, putting firm pressure on the wound to stem the heavy bleeding and was assisted by some passing walkers, one of whom helped to keep pressure on the wound.

“Eventually, Shyamenda was attended to by paramedics from the North West Ambulance Service assisted by Kinder Mountain Rescue Team, based in Hayfield, before being rushed to hospital by air ambulance.”

He said the quick-thinking and decisive action by Greg and the walker undoubtedly saved Shyamenda’s life that day.

“Unfortunately the passing walkers, modestly, melted away during the drama and neither the team nor Shyamenda were able to thank them in the months following the incident.”

Such was the severity of the blood loss that Mr Purslow had to spend several weeks in the intensive care unit, relearning simple daily tasks. He said: “From drinking and eating on my own to standing, sitting and walking, the most surprising was to learn how to breathe well enough to have the ventilator removed.”

Ten months later the mountain biker visited Kinder MRT’s base to thank the team. He said: “Visiting the team since I was discharged brings the memories flooding back and leaves me at a loss for words. The best I can think of at the moment, is to live a life worth saving and raise awareness of the incredible work that is being done.”

A year and a half after the incident, at a recent awards ceremony hosted by Derbyshire Constabulary, Mr Purslow was reunited with Keith Bailey, the mystery walker who helped keep him alive – an ‘awesome guy’ in the Manchester cyclist’s words. Both Mr Bailey and Greg Forbes were recognised by the chief constable for their outstanding actions on the day.

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