A woman is trying to find a Good Samaritan who helped her injured mother from England’s highest mountain.

Fiona Rattle’s mum and stepdad were on Scafell Pike last Wednesday when her mother broke her arm.

Ms Rattle said a young fellrunner called Peter, who she said is a civil engineer, helped the couple to safety. She issued a Facebook appeal to find the man to thank him.

She said Peter found them making their way down ‘a very dark and dangerous Scafell Pike with a broken arm and the beginning of shock’.

Ms Rattle said: “He got them safely off the mountain and to the Three Shires Inn in Little Langdale where, very cold and wet after crossing rivers and negotiating bogland, the lovely lady looked after them both before mum got to hospital and had her arm manipulated.

“This gentleman wouldn’t accept money, a drink or anything as thanks. These acts of kindness save lives and he deserves a big, big thank you.”

The daughter added: “Mum is safe and back home now a little sore but alive.”

Anyone with knowledge of Good Samaritan Peter can contact Fiona Rattle via Facebook.

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