A man who has summited all the Wainwrights four times has clinched a top job in the Lake District.

Graham Uney beat 100 applicants to get the post of felltop assessor, climbing to the top of England’s third highest mountain seven days running to record weather and summit conditions.

He will join veteran Jon Bennett in the team of two who work alternate weeks trekking up 950m (3,117ft) Helvellyn to provide reports for the Lake District National Park Authority’s Weatherline during winter.

Each week involves ascending almost the equivalent of the height of Everest.

Mr Uney, an outdoor instructor and operator in Snowdonia, was up against candidates with experience in the British Antarctic Survey, Scottish avalanche service, Romanian cave and UK mountain rescue.

He explained: “I have lived in the Lakes, where I ran my own company, Wild Ridge Adventure. The prospect of returning to stay for my weekly shift is great. There’s nowhere quite like it.”

He started hillwalking when he was eight, was rock climbing at 12 and by 18 had completed all the Wainwrights. He has done them all again, four times.

Other achievements include all the English and Welsh summits over 2,000ft, extensive winter experience, instructing in mountain skills and being a member of rescue teams.

Mr Uney will share duties with Ambleside-based Jon Bennett, braving driving rain, snow drifts and wind chill temperatures plummeting to –16C.

Mr Bennett said it was vital in winter months to check conditions underfoot and assess risks, including potential avalanches, and that daily Weather reports were a lifeline.

Tens of thousands use the service and when it was threatened with closure three years ago, a number of sponsors came to the rescue. Money-making ventures include offering a day with the assessors on eBay.

Head of Lake District National Park commercial services, Liz Moss, said Weatherline was almost beyond value.

She said: “We have some of the world’s most spectacular mountains and keeping those venturing on them as safe as possible is paramount.

“The calibre of the 100 applicants was incredibly high and we are delighted that Graham is joining us, bringing with him a wealth of experience and knowledge.”

The felltop assessors’ reports are combined with Met Office mountain forecasts from December to Easter to give the fullest possible picture. Reports can be obtained by phone on 0844 846 2444 or via the Weatherline website.

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