The Naked Rambler is back behind bars, this time south of the border.

Stephen Gough was remanded in custody today for allegedly breaching an anti-social behaviour order that banned him exposing himself in public.

The 54-year-old, of Eastleigh, Hampshire, has spent much of the last few years in Scottish jails after refusing to put on clothes.

He has twice walked the length of Britain in just his boots and carrying a rucksack.

Southampton Magistrates yesterday granted an interim Asbo effective in all of England and Wales until 10 May.

Roger Trencher, force solicitor for Hampshire Constabulary, said after the granting of the interim order: “Hampshire Constabulary sought an anti-social behaviour order because Stephen Gough has caused much offence nationwide, and he has used a considerable amount of police time in England, Wales and Scotland.

“This is because he insists on rambling naked. He refuses to be deterred by the criminal law. He believes the law is uncertain on the issue of public nudity.

“We applied, in consultation with Eastleigh Borough Council, for an Asbo to bring some clarity to the situation.

“We hoped the court would agree that, because of the public offence that has been caused and the police time used, it is in the public interest that Mr Gough be required to wear clothing sufficient to prevent the offence.

“We sought an order for him to wear sufficient clothing in public to at least cover his genitalia and buttocks.

“The constabulary and many residents of Hampshire are pleased with the court’s decision to grant the anti-social behaviour order.

“Any breach of the order could result in a prison sentence for Mr Gough.”

But he was arrested shortly after walking naked from the court hearing and magistrates remanded him in custody to appear at Southampton Crown Court on 25 March.