Police have called vandalism to safety signs on Wales’s highest mountain inexcusable and inexplicable.

The small signs, one carrying the grid reference of the location and another indicating the direction to the ridge of Crib Goch on Snowdon, are attached to stile.

North Wales Police are appealing to walkers and climbers for any information about how the signs came to be damaged.

They said the signs, part of an initiative by the MountainSafe Partnership, are there to promote safety and are potentially life-saving. The signs, which have been placed at various points around the Snowdonia by the national park authority, carry a six-figure grid reference to aid navigation.

A police spokesperson said: “Small grid-reference discs are already in place on many of the stiles and gates on Snowdon and Cadair Idris and have proved popular with a full range of mountain users both experienced and novice alike.

“The idea behind placing grid references on footpath furniture originally came from local mountain rescue teams.

“The markers are placed on pre-existing stiles and gates so that temporarily disoriented walkers who’ve brought a map and remember their geography lessons, will easily be able to pinpoint their position.

“It is hoped the markers would encourage walkers to polish up on their map and compass skills as well as assisting those who become disoriented to better direct any responding MRT.”

National park wardens discovered the signs at Bwlch y Moch, where the route to Crib Goch leaves the Pyg Track, had been damaged and defaced. They believe the vandalism happened within the past two months.

Snowdonia National Park Authority senior warden Dewi Davies said: “Damaging the signs on Snowdon was an irresponsible and foolish act.

“The signage is there for a purpose and reason – to aid navigation and orientation – therefore helping those who are lost and potentially in danger.

“To damage them endangers the lives of others and I am very disappointed with such selfish behaviour.”

Anyone with information about the incident is asked to contact North Wales Police by phoning 101 or alternatively by phoning Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 and quote reference N189887.

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