An engineering consultant and Green Party member will be the eyes and ears of footpath campaigners in Mid Sussex.

Paul Brown of West Hoathly, near East Grinstead, has been appointed the Open Spaces Society representative for the area.

He will be keeping a close watch on the state of the paths, reporting any problems to West Sussex County Council, the highway authority, and helping and advising with the protection of commons, greens and other open spaces.

Earlier this year Mr Brown mobilised local residents and saved a footpath in Sharpthorne from being moved to suit the landowner, fighting the case at a public inquiry.

He runs a small electrical engineering consultancy and is chairman of Mid Sussex, Crawley and Horsham Green Party.

He said: “I believe public paths are under threat in West Sussex due to bias by this county council in favour of incoming landowners.

“Public money is being spent on effectively degrading the path network at the expense of ensuring that paths are unobstructed and accessible to all.”

Open Spaces Society general secretary Kate Ashbrook added: “We are delighted to have Paul as our local representative in Mid Sussex, defending the rights of walkers, riders and cyclists to enjoy this superlative countryside.

“He will keep the council up to the mark on commons, greens, open spaces and paths.”