A series of posts formerly used for abseiling off the top of Britain’s highest mountain has been removed.
The eight abseil posts on the summit of Ben Nevis had fallen into disrepair and were unsafe to use, the Mountaineering Council of Scotland said.
The metal posts led down from the Càrn Mòr Dearg arête into Coire Lies on the north side of the mountain.
A spokesperson for the council said: “The highest abseil post provided a useful navigation aid and is to be replaced by a two-metre-high cairn that will be constructed in the same style as the other navigation cairns which currently exist across the summit plateau.
“This cairn will mark the top of the obvious descent line into Coire Leis in poor visibility.”
The John Muir Trust, which owns most of Ben Nevis, will construct the cairn, which is expected to be completed by the end of July. It will be at NN 17078 71000.
The MCofS said the marker flag and pole at the top of Number 4 Gully, a popular grade 1 descent route in winter, has also been removed and will be replaced with a two-metre-high navigation cairn.
This work is also expected to be finished by the end of July.
04 October 2016Je mi ľuto, ale obávam sa, že niektorà diutjkusúci tu nechcú, nevedia, nemôžu? pochopiÅ¥ rozdiel medzi REKLAMOU o ktorej tu zaÄala reÄ na základe urÄitých súvislostà a reklamou = informáciou o nieÄom, o nejakom výrobku, o cene za výrobok, skužbu...