A young hillwalker plans to complete an impressive round of 220 Scottish peaks at the weekend.

Five-year-old Molly hopes to summit the 885m (2,904ft) Ardgour mountain Garbh Bheinn on Sunday to tick off her final corbett with a group of friends.

And the corbetteer from Aviemore can be forgiven for being dog-tired as she tackles the last few metres of the hill, which lies west of Corran, overlooking Loch Linnhe.

Molly the collie will take the lead to the top of the mountain with her owner Anne Butler, for a celebration meal of sausages, which will replace the traditional champagne for ‘completers’ of the list.

Less well known than Scotland’s 3,000ft munros, the corbetts are the hills between 2,500ft and 2,999ft. Molly will follow in the pawprints of Kitchy, another collie, which was the first recorded munro completer.

Kitchy and his owner Hamish Brown ticked off their last munro in the 1960s.

Molly’s human companion Ms Butler, a keen munroist and corbetteer herself, is a member of the Mountaineering Council of Scotland. She has carried out much of the council’s work on its guide to munros and corbetts.

The MCofS’s Mike Dales said: “This dug is a fraction of my age, but she has beaten me to that elusive last Corbett. Well done Molly – give that dug a bone!”

Peter Willimott, vice-chair of the Munro Society, praised Molly’s ‘Dogged determination’, adding: “Congratulations to Molly and Anne.”

Scotland’s 220 corbetts were listed by John Rooke Corbett in the 1920s.

The MCofS has an online guide to both the munros and the corbetts.

Advice on taking dogs into the great outdoors can be found on the Scottish Natural Heritage website.

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