A two-year project to create an archive of the Kinder Scout Mass Trespass has received a cash boost.

The Peak District National Park Authority’s sustainable development fund has granted £18,000 towards the archive, which will be based in the village from where many of the trespassers set off.

The money will allow the Kinder Visitor Centre Group in Hayfield to put together a collection of documents, press articles, letters and photographs from the 1932 Kinder Mass Trespass when Manchester Communist Benny Rothman led a group of walkers to a confrontation on the slopes of the Peak District’s highest fell.

The fund has also allocated £1,500 to this year’s Kinder 80: Trespass to Treasure celebrations marking the 80th anniversary of the important event, seen by many as the turning point in the campaign for public access to Britain’s uplands.

The week-long series of events, including walks on to the Kinder plateau, will happen around the anniversary date of 24 April.

Also benefiting from an £11,000 grant from the Sustainable Development Fund is the Peak District Electric Bicycle Network, run by community interest company Electric Travel. The SDF grant will enable it to expand its fleet and involve more businesses as recharging points.

£11,000 will go towards the reconstruction of an Iron Age-style round house at the non-profit making Nightingale Holiday and Conference Centre in Great Hucklow.

The round house will be built by Sheffield University students and volunteers from Heeley City Farm and the Peak Park Conservation Volunteers. The grant will help fund the construction, open days and heritage workshops for schools and local people, and the round house will become a community facility for activities around the campfire.

The fund is giving £14,000 towards the Peak District Ghost Woods and Shadows project to be run by South Yorkshire Biodiversity Research Group. Local volunteers will be trained to chart ecological and archaeological clues to the ancient woodlands that once grew on the east Peak moorlands, from Houndkirk and Broomhead moors in the north to Leash Fen in the south.

And £9,000 will enable Bella Hardy, a professional folk musician from Edale, help her collaborate with local musicians on a CD and tour featuring traditional and newly-composed ballads based on the Peak District.

Chair of the Sustainable Development Fund panel Pauline Beswick said: “These imaginative projects demonstrate that despite tough economic times, creativity is not thin on the ground in the Peak District.

“We are pleased to support these inspiring projects that will benefit local communities for many years to come.”

The Peak District National Park’s Sustainable Development Fund supports environmental, educational and social projects in and around the national park. Its panel of local independent assessors decides on grant applications four times a year.

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