Outdoors enthusiasts hoping to camp out between catching a few Olympics events around the country will have to think again.

Home Secretary Teresa May announced today tents and camping gear will be banned from all Olympic venues during the 2012 games.

The move is designed to prevent protest camps such as the one seen recently outside St Paul’s Cathedral and in other cities across the UK.

She said strict security and screening measures would stop camping equipment being brought into Olympic venues and that police would act swiftly to deal with anyone who tried to flout the ban.

Ms May said: “Our aim is to deliver a safe and secure London 2012 Games, that uphold Olympic values and the Olympic ethos.

“That means we need a security approach that is robust but seamless; visible but not intrusive; tough but intelligent. And that is what we will deliver.”

Speaking at the Royal United Services Institute in London, she added that there would be a close working relationship between the police, the Olympics organising committee, private security and the other emergency services to ensure a joined-up approach to any security threats.

The Home Office strategy also includes plans to guard against the threat of cyber-crime, from hacktivists attempting to target the games and sponsors’ websites.

There will also be high levels of protective security at the Olympic Park and the other Games venues across the UK, along with a counter-terrorism strategy.

A trained team of police officers will also be set up ready to run alongside the Olympic torch for the entire 70 days it is on the road as it crosses the UK, starting in Land’s End on 19 May.

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