The Duke of Edinburgh got a first-hand view of how Britain’s national mapping agency operates when he officially opened its new headquarters.

The Duke met a surveyor equipped with the latest satellite technology used by Ordnance Survey to map the country with an accuracy of just a few centimetres.

He also used special 3D glasses to view specialised screens used in the organisation’s surveying and map production.

Prince Philip unveiled a plaque at the Southampton offices of the agency after addressing staff.

He said: “I know from just in the ordinary course of events using Ordnance Survey maps what a remarkable service it provides for people all over the country.

“And I do hope you feel what an enormous contribution you’re making to life in this country.”

Children from the nearby Explorers nursery were also invited to meet the Duke and waved Union Flags as he arrived and left the building.

The consort had accompanied the Queen when she performed a similar ceremony at the Ordnance Survey’s previous head office 42 years ago.

  • grough is a commercial partner of Ordnance Survey in the delivery of our grough route mapping and route-planning service.

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