A group of climbers helped rescuers carry an injured fellow rockclimber suffering from back pain after a fall.

Members of the Edale Mountain Rescue Team were with the climber within a short time of his accident yesterday, Saturday, on Curbar Edge in the Peak District.

The team was alerted by Derbyshire Police at 3pm. Charlie Bartlett of the Edale team said: “As is common-place at the weekend, two team vehicles were already crewed participating in team activities.

“The first team members were on scene within 20 minutes of us being alerted by the police. A male climber had fallen approximately 6m (20ft) while leading a route in the Avalanche Wall area.

“His protection had held the initial fall but then gave way causing him to fall to the ground. Team members treated him for lower back pain before carrying him to the top of the crag, assisted by a group of nearby climbers, where an air ambulance was waiting.”

The same day, the team was alerted to an injured walker on the Peak District’s highest hill, Kinder Scout. They were called out, along with Buxton Mountain Rescue Team, at 6.40pm after the man slipped while descending Grindsbrook above Edale, suffering a dislocated shoulder.

Mr Bartlett said: “He was located just below Halfway Rocks in a significant amount of pain from his injury.

“After being given pain relief his arm was secured in the most comfortable position and he was loaded on to a stretcher. Team members then carried him down to Grindslow House where an East Midlands Ambulance Service ambulance was waiting to convey him to hospital.”

Edale team members were walking back to their vehicles and packing away gear when a further call for help came for a walker in difficulties on Kinder Scout.

Mr Bartlett said: “We were alerted to another walker in trouble just above Edale Rocks, at around 9.30pm.

“A 66-year-old walker had rung for help after he had become hypothermic and exhausted after a day on the hill.

“A small group of team members was sent up Jacob’s Ladder to locate him and assess his condition. Kinder MRT were also contacted as they can drive up to Edale Cross from their side of the hill.

“Both sets of team members met up at Edale Cross and located the walker. He was given treatment by team members and carried a short distance to Kinder’s Land Rover. He was then driven down to Hayfield for further treatment and onward transport, whilst Edale and Buxton members had a stroll back down Jacobs Ladder into the Edale valley.”

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