Richard Warren of Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team raises the Olympic flag on England's highest peak, Scafell Pike. Luckily, Team Wayne didn't need the MRT's services

Richard Warren of Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team raises the Olympic flag on England's highest peak, Scafell Pike. Luckily, Team Wayne didn't need the MRT's services

The man who led his charity fundraising team up the wrong mountain is hoping to be a torchbearer for the 2012 London Olympics.

Damien Davis and his Three Peaks Challengers walked up Stob Bàn, the 999m (3,278ft) munro 6km (3¾ miles) away from their intended target Ben Nevis.

The team also got lost on England’s highest peak Scafell Pike during their April jaunt, and abandoned the challenge after all but two of the Team Wayne group turned back with injuries on the Lake District fell.

The venture still netted more than £10,000 for a fund in memory of his late friend Wayne Wilson who died of leukaemia at the beginning of the year.

Now, the 35-year-old would-be mountaineer from Cricklade, Wiltshire, has been nominated to be a torchbearer by Wayne’s mum Kay Wright, who said: “Their attempt didn’t quite go to plan, but they still raised more than £10,000 for Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research as well as raising the profile of the charity through the national media.

“Working with Damien to focus on the fundraising really helped me during my period of grief. I love him dearly and I can’t think of a better person to carry the Olympic torch. If he’s successful, I know my son will be running along beside him.”

Mr Davis said: “I dream of carrying the Olympic Torch in honour and memory of my brave friend, Wayne Wilson.”

Speaking of his erroneous climb up the mountain in the Mamores, he said: “They all look the same from the bottom.”

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