Author Jonny Muir follows his Heights of Madness exploration of Britain’s county tops with an energetic foray across the Hebrides with his latest book Isles at the Edge of the Sea.

Join Jonny as he island-hops and peak-bags his way across 18 islands in an amusing and informative account of an eventful three-month trip across Scotland’s enchanting Hebridean locations.

The journalist-turned-teacher battles drizzle, mist, whisky hangovers, thunderstorms, gales, a flooded tent and naturally, the enemy of all summer Scotland tourists, the midge, as he tackles two tough fell races, one half marathon, and the ascent of the hardest munro of all: the Inaccessible Pinnacle.

grough has three copies of the book to give away to lucky readers.

For a chance to win your own copy of Isles at the Edge of the Sea, just answer correctly the following question.

How many islands does Jonny Muir visit during his trip round the Isles at the Edge of the Sea?

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Winners will be chosen at random from correct entries. Closing date is 5 August 2011. One entry only per individual; duplicate entries will be disregarded. No cash alternative to the prize will be offered. Winners will be notified by email and the draw organisers’ decision will be final.

See what we thought of the book in our review of Isles at the Edge of the Sea.

Details of how to order the book are on the Sandstone Press website.

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