Fancy getting your hands on one of the most stylish mountain maps going?

grough has five copies of the fabulous Tubular Fells, created by Peter Burgess in the style of the famous London Tube map and marking all 214 Wainwrights in the Lake District – the fells described by author Alfred Wainwright in his Pictorial Guides to the Lakeland Fells series – to give away in a great competition.

The labour of love links all the fells plus a few other Lakeland features by colour-coded ‘lines’ that coincide with the different geographical areas covered in each Wainwright volume.

The A2-size (594mm × 420mm) poster-format map is printed on heavyweight 200gsm paper and will reward hours of study by lovers of the Lake District’s mountains. The map retails usually at £8.99 but five lucky winners of grough’s competition will each receive a free copy of Tubular Fells.

For a chance to win your own copy, just answer correctly the following question:
How many Wainwrights are featured on the Tubular Fells map?

This competition is now closed.

For more details of map or to order copies, visit the Tubular Fells website.

Winners will be chosen at random from correct entries. Closing date is 25 April 2011. One entry only per individual; duplicate entries will be disregarded. No cash alternative to the prize will be offered. Winners will be notified by email and the draw organisers’ decision will be final.

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