Two conservation supporters completed a muscle-powered round of Britain’s Three Peaks to raise cash for a charity.

East Kilbride men Kevin Beck and Stuart Welsh cycled between their walks up Snowdon, Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis in an eight-day trip that brought in more than £800 for the John Muir Trust.

The pair covered 858km (533 miles) using pedal power and summited the three mountains that have a combined height of 3,407m (11,178ft) on foot in September last year.

Mr Beck said: “The weather to start with in North Wales was dreadful with heavy rain but as we reached Scotland we were bathed in sunshine. Most days we covered just over 90 miles but we did manage one at 101 miles.”

“We climbed Scafell Pike in a record time of 3hrs 10mins and that was with a 20-minute break at the summit.”

“Ben Nevis was climbed same day as the Ben Nevis race. Although not as fast as the runners, we did it in five hours with a few friends that came up for the last day.”

“The bikes held up well but I got three punctures and had to change my back tyre onto the front wheel as it had completely worn out due to the weight.”

The pair were sponsored by friends, family and colleagues. Staff at Serco, where the men work, also contributed by holding events such as sales of baking and baby photo competitions, with a total of £809 raised.

Conservation charity the John Muir Trust owns most of the upper reaches of Ben Nevis.

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