No-one knows the mountains better than the rescue teams who turn out to help those in trouble, and those nice people at Mountain Rescue England & Wales are offering five lucky grough readers the chance to win a copy of Call Out Mountain Rescue?

Written by Judy Whiteside, and with a foreword by search and rescue helicopter pilot Prince William, the rescuers’ patron, the handy A6 format book – small enough to fit in any rucksack – is chock full of useful information to keep you safer on the hills.

This second edition has an extra 20 pages, with an added section on simple first aid – something every hillwalker should know.

There are handy chapters on how to prepare for your journey – route planning, what gear you may need, and how to avoid getting into difficulties.

Call Out Mountain Rescue? will also tell you what to do if things do go wrong, how the mountain rescue service works, and how to greet that rescue helicopter.

The book also covers mountain weather and how to protect the countryside. Snow and ice, thunderstorms, avalanches and missing party members are all dealt with in an easy-to-read fashion.

There’s even a potted history of mountain rescue in Britain.

Entries to this competition are now closed.

Five winners will be chosen at random from correct answers. One entry only per individual. No cash alternative will be offered and the editor’s decision is final.

For more details of Call Out Mountain Rescue? and details of how to order the book if you don’t win, visit the Mountain Rescue England & Wales website.

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