Tryfan: survey result puts its height beyond doubt
Thousands of boots have tramped its rocky inclines and the bravest mountaineers have made the leap from Adam to Eve, the twin columns of rock that adorn its summit.
For decades, that summit has qualified Tryfan as a Welsh 3,000-footer, a boast that, recently, has been in doubt.
But now, the shapely mountain in the Ogwen Valley is swelling with a little more pride. It stands officially at 917.5m, easily beating the mark at a comfortable 3,010ft.
A trio of amateur surveyors, John Barnard, Graham Jackson and Myrddyn Phillips using very unamateurish GPS measuring equipment finally nailed the mountain’s true height. We can now expect future OS maps to be amended.
The peak has commanded respect among mountain lovers mainly because it looks exactly like a mountain should, but also because it qualified as one of the 15 or so 3,000-footers in Snowdonia. But, with an Ordnance Survey determined height of 915m – just 60cm above the metric equivalent of the magic 3,000ft, it was always on the hit list of the enthusiastic trio, who have already been responsible for the demotion from the munro tables of Sgurr nan Ceannaichean.
The three men took their surveying equipment to the summit and strapped it to the rocks for long enough to determine its true height.
And this afternoon, Ordnance Survey, which has been working with the sleuths, announced the result.
Not that it will make any difference to the aficionados of mountains who climb our peaks for their intrinsic worth rather than an arbitrary figure printed on the map next to its summit. It’s just that they can now have the satisfaction that they’re standing eight feet taller.
24 June 2010I have a 1962 One inch map revised in 1959. Guess what? The height of Tryfan on this map is 3010 ft!
R Webb
24 June 2010Eeek - does that mean that there are 2.5 more metres to fall if you were to fluff The Jump?
25 June 2010I first climbed Tryfan around 1965 and have always believed it to be 3,010ft. Pouchers 'Welsh Peaks' of 1962 shows it thus, as does the ninth edition of 1987. Who had the temerity to ever suggest otherwise?
Jon W
25 June 2010Was the height measured from the top of adam and eve or the bottom?
25 June 2010Our understanding is that the measurement was to the top of the higher of the two blocks.
Bob Smith
Myrddyn Phillips
03 July 2010The higher of the blocks is the more northerly one, the one nearest to Ogwen, it beats the other block by approximately 5cm - 7cm. We took the measurement to the top of the higher block. During the late 70's, early 80's the OS revised all their mapping to metric measurement. The height of Tryfan was revised from a decades old imperial height of 3,010ft, to a new metric height of 915m, this height was ascertained via airial photography, this surveying method has a + / - 3m margin of uncertainty. Therefore although the 915m spot height is out by 2.5 metres, it is still within this margin of error. Thankfully Tryfan can rest assured of its 3,000ft status and claim its old height back!! Myrddyn Phillips.
Eric Hardman
20 July 2010Thanks for your efforts Myrddyn (and John and Graham). I'm really pleased you haven't demoted it. It was the first hill of any kind that I climbed (in 1960). School shoes and a gaberdine mac if I remember correctly!