The cover of the book mimicked an old design of OS map
The cover of the book mimicked an old design of OS map

Publishers of a racy novel set on the West Highland Way are celebrating after Britain’s national mapping agency climbed down over legal threats to the book.

The Hills Are Stuffed With Swedish Girls features a cover in the style of an old Landranger map.

Ordnance Survey threatened legal action in defence of its brand reputation and JonesCat Publishing, the small outfit that created the book, said it could not afford to pulp its stock and reprint, and that the company would fold.

But now, the company is celebrating and will launch a second edition with a unique book signing at the top of the Devil’s Staircase in Glencoe, the highest point on the West Highland Way.

The publishers issued a statement saying: “After five months of high-level legal wrangling, the Ordnance Survey has graciously stopped objecting to the cover of The Hills Are Stuffed With Swedish Girls, a humorous novel published by JonesCat Publishing Ltd.

“To celebrate the launch of the new edition, JonesCat will be holding a book signing unique in the history of book signings.

Author Richard Happer will sign books at the top of the Devils Staircase
Author Richard Happer will sign books at the top of the Devil's Staircase

“On Saturday 17 July, the author Richard Happer will be signing copies of the new OS-friendly edition of his novel at the top of the Devil’s Staircase in Glencoe.

“At an altitude of 1,800 feet above sea level (550m), this is the highest part of the West Highland Way where much of the story is set.

The tale follows three ex-university friends and a ginger cat on their picaresque journey in search of young Scandinavian women on Scotland’s most popular long-distance trail.

JonesCat director David Marsh said: “Hurray! This is a great day for common sense, humorous literature and fat ginger cats. We at JonesCat Publishing aren’t exactly sure why they changed their minds now, but we’re happy they have. So let’s just draw a contour line under things and move on.”

“We thought we were going out of business, but this means we can now print a second edition of the book!”

A spokesman for Ordnance Survey said: “We have decided not to continue our objection to JonesCat Publishing regarding the cover design of The Hills Are Stuffed With Swedish Girls.

“We have been in regular contact with JonesCat Publishing and have decided that it is in the best interest of both parties not to pursue this matter.”

Mr Marsh added: “If the wind doesn’t blow every book to Norway, this promises to be a grand adventure. Richard assures me that scantily Swedish girls will ‘absolutely completely definitely’ be there.

“Jonesy [the cat] himself may also be in attendance, depending on his business commitments. Sausages will certainly be served.”