Dales walkers will be able to leave their cars for longer as they stride out on routes
Dales walkers will be able to leave their cars for longer as they stride out on routes

Adventurous Dales walkers will be able to stride out on longer journeys while leaving their cars in the national park.

And visitors won’t be penalised if they get caught short and have to pay a brief visit to pay a penny. The changes are part of a rejig of Yorkshire Dales national park car parking fees that will see normal long-stay parking fees rise by more than 9 per cent.

The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority is introducing special 24- and 48-hour tickets for walkers who want to undertake longer journeys while leaving their vehicles in the official national park car parks. Previously, the time limit meant they had to return to their cars after a few hours.

The tickets will cost £5 and £7.50 respectively.

And visitor will also be able to park free for up to 10 minutes to use toilets in the authority’s car parks.

Dr Malcolm Petyt, the authority’s member champion for recreation management, said the changes had been introduced in response to requests from walkers visiting the area.

He said: “We have listened to what people have said they want and we have come up with this facility so they can leave their vehicles for longer periods.

“It will be ideal for visitors who want to extend their stay and go off walking for a weekend, for example.

“We will also be introducing a 10-minute ‘free pee’ facility in each car park – again at the request of visitors.”

The cost of all-day tickets will rise when the changes are introduced on 1 April, the first time in more than three years – up by 30p to £3.50 for cars and up 60p to £7 for larger vehicles.

Dr Petyt said: “All the revenue from the ticket sales goes towards the maintenance of the car parks and toilets and to national park projects, and we have kept the increases to an absolute minimum.

“All other ticket costs – including short stay – will be frozen at last year’s prices and the popular £10 weekly passes will continue in conjunction with Richmondshire District Council providing access to national park and RDC car parks.”

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