What gets your goat? The Ramblers want to know
What gets your goat? The Ramblers want to know

What’s your biggest gripe as a walker? Is it badly designed stiles; barred routes; litter-strewn paths?

The Ramblers, the country’s biggest walkers’ charity, wants your views on what they should be campaigning on next. With the organisation’s 75th anniversary on the horizon, the group want your suggestions for their next big drive in tackling walkers’ issues.

grough readers are invited to visit the organisation’s website to make their views known. The campaign page has an online questionnaire to tell the Ramblers what they can do to help improve the walker’s environment.

A spokesperson for the Ramblers said: “We would like to find out the issues which you feel we should be campaigning on in 2010 and beyond. We are interested in the places you walk and what we can do to help improve these walking environments.

“From the countryside to the city we work across England, Scotland and Wales to improve the places where people walk. One of our campaign aims is to ensure walking environments are of the highest quality and so we would like to find out your top priorities for improvement.

“For example, whether you are walking in towns or the countryside, it is likely you will have come across paths which are spoilt by a locked gate, discarded rubbish or poor lighting. We will use your comments to help shape our campaigns in 2010.”

The questionnaire asks for one issue readers would like the Ramblers to campaign on; an example of where the problem has arisen; and what you would do to change this if you were a Government decision maker.

Sarah Gardner, e-campaigns officer, told grough: “It would be really fab if you could ask your supporters to get involved, as I am sure they have lots of interesting ideas about improvements to the walking environment. It’s a brilliant opportunity to really shape some of the Ramblers’ future policy and campaigns, and share any bugbears about paths and infrastructure.”

  • The Ramblers’ online magazine has picked up an award from the Association of Publishing Agencies. The web edition of Walk and its agency River collected the prize for the best digital solution of the year for charities, public sector and not-for-profit organisations.

The judges said: “This is the kind of website you’d expect a huge commercial brand to produce.” Its bold design and use of social media tools was also praised.

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