Heather Morning: taking a close look at mountain safety
Heather Morning: taking a close look at mountain safety

The woman in charge of promoting safety on Scotland’s mountains has been taking a close look at the blackspots, where walkers, climbers and mountaineers are most likely to come to grief.

She even visited the scene of two recent deaths, the Clachaig Gully on Aonach Eagach in Glencoe. Heather Morning, the Mountaineering Council of Scotland’s mountain safety adviser has shared her insights with grough’s readers.

Heather poses the question: are there places walkers should avoid? Should we put up warning signs? Or are we in danger of making the great outdoors an extension of the ‘nanny state’?

She has a wealth of experience, as a mountain rescue team member, owner of a search and rescue dog, and has a qualification in teaching winter mountaineering.

Heather analyses the recent deaths on Scotland’s mountains and asks if we can learn from these tragedies. You can read her feature here on grough.

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